Training begins at the Indigenous Children’s House
The training program at the Indigenous Children’s House (CNI) in Maxcanu has begun thanks to the Transforming Higher Education project, developed by the National Technological

Campus Conkal celebrates National Agronomist Day
On February 22nd, National Agronomist Day was celebrated at the National Technological Institute of Mexico Campus Conkal. The event took place on its multipurpose court

The National Technological Institute of Mexico Campus Conkal and the American University of Beirut sign collaboration agreement
February 2024. The National Technological Institute of Mexico – Conkal (TecNM Campus Conkal) and the American University of Beirut (AUB) have signed a collaboration agreement
Their hope is that each student will develop professionally, start their own businesses, be self-employed and that they can create an impact and change their communities. The university’s degree is focused on sustainable agricultural production systems and their students work with family agroecological gardens; regarding entrepreneurship, the first group of students has already formed three companies, one of them already legally established and the other two are in the process.
From the first semester, the students are involved in practical work and we have been surprised by the fact that a sense of belonging has permeated in them. The faculty is determined to encourage in them positive behaviors that make them stand out as leaders of change with self-esteem, aware of society, respectful of their culture and equality in every way.

Current employers require that the new colleagues have leadership skills, suitable for conflict resolution, with values and the ability to work as a team. The Conkal graduate is exposed to the strategies of transformation of higher education and can stand out from the rest by considering these aspects in addition to their technical abilities.
The integration of experiential learning has made the students more active in participation and this leads them to identify, learn better while producing and living with their environment with an open mind, aware of the support they can give to society.

Our vision is for our students to establish themselves in the region and bring prosperity to the community and their families through the technical specialty and the dual teaching modality.
Thanks to this, we have managed to establish relationships with different actors in the productive sector, who take an early interest in our students, offering them important opportunities for their future.
All our courses have a theoretical and practical component, emphasizing structural logical thinking, mathematics, literacy, comprehension, and the community and business component.

Our university’s mission is to transform Haiti through the implementation of the Five Elements of Success, as well as our own objective to focus on business and research with the agricultural sector and small producers.
We make students learn by doing, by asking them to run a company and establish it, as well as actively getting involved in real investigative processes for an entity or producer.
We want to create a strong agricultural sector with efficient services; people who buy and transform their products, better-trained producers, with more technology and better learning, and graduates prepared to attend to their needs in a comprehensive way.

Esperamos que cada alumno se desarrolle profesionalmente, hagan sus propias empresas, autoempleen y que puedan impactar en el cambio de sus comunidades. Nuestra carrera está enfocada en los sistemas de producción agrícola sustentable y nuestros estudiantes trabajan con huertos agroecológicos familiares; en el área de emprendedurismo, nuestro primer grupo de estudiantes ya formó tres empresas, una de ellas ya establecida legalmente y las otras dos en proceso.
Desde el primer semestre, los estudiantes están involucrados en trabajo práctico y nos ha sorprendido el hecho de que ha impregnado en ellos un sentimiento de pertenencia. Estamos decididos a fomentar en ellos conductas positivas que los hagan sobresalir como líderes de cambio con autoestima, conscientes de la sociedad y respetuosos de su cultura y la igualdad en todos los sentidos.
Instituto Superior de Calkiní 
Los empleadores actuales requieren que los nuevos colegas tengan habilidades de liderazgo, adecuadas para la resolución de conflictos, con valores y la capacidad de trabajar en equipo. El egresado de Conkal está expuesto a las estrategias de transformación de la educación superior y puede destacarse del resto considerando estos aspectos además de sus habilidades técnicas.
La integración del aprendizaje experiencial ha hecho que los estudiantes sean más activos en la participación y esto los lleva a identificarse, aprender mejor produciendo y conviviendo con su entorno con la mente abierta, conscientes del apoyo que pueden brindar a la sociedad.
Instituto Superior de Calkiní 
Nuestra visión es que nuestros estudiantes se establezcan en la región y traigan prosperidad a la comunidad y sus familias a través de la especialidad técnica y la modalidad de enseñanza dual.
Gracias a esto, hemos logrado establecer relaciones con diferentes actores del sector productivo, quienes se interesan temprano en nuestros estudiantes, brindándoles importantes oportunidades para su futuro.
Todos nuestros cursos tienen un componente teórico y práctico, enfatizando el pensamiento lógico estructural, matemáticas, alfabetización, comprensión y el componente comunitario y empresarial.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Hopelchén 
La misión de nuestra universidad es transformar Haití a través de la implementación de los Cinco Elementos del Éxito, así como nuestro propio objetivo de enfocarnos en negocios e investigación con el sector agrícola y pequeños productores.
Hacemos que los estudiantes aprendan haciendo, pidiéndoles que dirijan una empresa y la establezcan, así como involucrándonos activamente en procesos de investigación reales para una entidad o productor.
Queremos crear un sector agrícola fuerte con servicios eficientes; personas que compran y transforman sus productos, productores mejor capacitados, con más tecnología y mejor aprendizaje, y egresados preparados para atender sus necesidades de manera integral.
Quisqueya University 
Their hope is that each student will develop professionally, start their own businesses, be self-employed and that they can create an impact and change their communities. The university’s degree is focused on sustainable agricultural production systems and their students work with family agroecological gardens; regarding entrepreneurship, the first group of students has already formed three companies, one of them already legally established and the other two are in the process.
From the first semester, the students are involved in practical work and we have been surprised by the fact that a sense of belonging has permeated in them. The faculty is determined to encourage in them positive behaviors that make them stand out as leaders of change with self-esteem, aware of society, respectful of their culture and equality in every way.
Technological Institute of Higher Education of Calkini 
Current employers require that the new colleagues have leadership skills, suitable for conflict resolution, with values and the ability to work as a team. The Conkal graduate is exposed to the strategies of transformation of higher education and can stand out from the rest by considering these aspects in addition to their technical abilities.
The integration of experiential learning has made the students more active in participation and this leads them to identify, learn better while producing and living with their environment with an open mind, aware of the support they can give to society.
Technological Institute of Conkal 
Our vision is for our students to establish themselves in the region and bring prosperity to the community and their families through the technical specialty and the dual teaching modality.
Thanks to this, we have managed to establish relationships with different actors in the productive sector, who take an early interest in our students, offering them important opportunities for their future.
All our courses have a theoretical and practical component, emphasizing structural logical thinking, mathematics, literacy, comprehension, and the community and business component.
Technological Institute of Higher Education of Hopelchén 
Our university’s mission is to transform Haiti through the implementation of the Five Elements of Success, as well as our own objective to focus on business and research with the agricultural sector and small producers.
We make students learn by doing, by asking them to run a company and establish it, as well as actively getting involved in real investigative processes for an entity or producer.
We want to create a strong agricultural sector with efficient services; people who buy and transform their products, better-trained producers, with more technology and better learning, and graduates prepared to attend to their needs in a comprehensive way.
Quisqueya University