

As part of the activities organized by the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Conkal to showcase its work with communities, the final semester forum of the agronomy engineering program titled “Field Day Experiences” took place on November 17th. In this event, students from the first, third, and fifth semesters of the program presented their experiences working in the community before a panel. The intention was not only to have their efforts recognized and evaluated but also to help them choose another productive area to participate in during the following semester.

According to Jorge Gamboa, the facilitator of the Transforming Higher Education project at the Technological Institute of Conkal, the institution aims to achieve the following objectives with this event:

1. Showcase experiences gained during their field days in accordance with the selected productive area. Since students are distributed across 14 areas, organizing this type of forum allows everyone to have knowledge of the various activities they can engage in.

2. Enable students to explain and present their experiences to the faculty and fellow students at the Institute. This allows for the identification of areas of opportunity and potential leaders.

3. Promote integration and collective work, as the presentations are group-based, consisting of students linked to the selected productive area.

4. Select outstanding students to form a brigade dedicated to community commitment.

5. Evaluate the incorporation of values, ethics, environmental care, and conflict resolution during the presentations. Additionally, promote the importance of experiential learning and the identification of ideas for entrepreneurship and innovation.

We’d like to use this newsletter to congratulate all the students who participated in the forum and encourage them to continue seeking opportunities to become agents of change and bring progress to their communities. Here’s the complete list of participants:

Exposition “Cultivos forrajeros tropicales”.Ake Uc Evelin
Santamarina Rodríguez Lizbeth
Maldonado Poot Marian
Lara Martín José
Salazar Coyoc Ely
Exposition “Huerto horto-frutícola”.Loria Campos Giovanny
García Gutiérrez Pablo
Pamplona Campos Cristian
Pech Uc Manuel
Martín Christian Abisay
Exposition “Laboratorio de biotecnología”.Medina Jiménez María
Exposition “Producción e investigación
de ovinos y conejos”.
Gorocica Rodríguez Jesús
Aguilar Noemi
Flores Ávila Ana
Exposition “Unidad de producción
e investigación “la curva” ovinos y forraje”.
León Puc Alma
García Aldana José
Basto Gonzales Miguel
Martín Ricardo Noé
Duarte Martín Ángel
Exposition “Ornamentales”.Chan Martínez Isabel
Celis Medina Andrea
Puga Canul Marina
May Espadas Pastor
Exposition “Invernaderos”Aguilar Nah Eduardo
Castillo Cuxim Andrea
Huchim Martín Juliette
Matos Chí Salma Saraí
Martín Baqueiro Pamela
Exposition “Módulo de agrosistemas”Tuyub Chim Idaime
Sosa Yam Jonathan
Exposición del área “Recursos
fitogenéticos de fruticultura tropical”.
Villanueva Canche Joel
Exposition “Planta de bioprocesamiento”Cámara Biceño Alexander
Kú Medina Josué
Tuz Pech Manuel
Exposition “Módulo experimental
hidroponía y forraje verde hidropónico”.
Cen Chávez Dayra
Exposition “Área hortícola-posta”.Rodríguez Chan Luis
Alonzo May Isaac
Ávila Heredia Juan
Can Can José
Exposition “Unidad de producción porcina”.Chan Ek William
Chan Colli Jesús
Catzim Molina Aristeo
Exposition “Unidad de producción apícola”.Novelo Saurí Erika
Dzul Aguilar Miguel
Yam Dzib Priscila

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