
Meet Víctor, Freddy y Aarón

On Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day, which was celebrated on June 27, we want to share the story of Víctor, Freddy and Aarón, three students from gen 2019 of the Technological Institute of Conkal.

As part of the five elements of success stated by the Transforming Higher Education project, all three of them, through experiential learning activities as part of their curriculum, have developed business skills, ethical thinking and a value-based mentality, and the ability to work in teams in the community.

“The case of these young students becomes relevant as we, as their university, witness their level of commitment to the activities dictated in the school program and even more so, when they are a proactive and innovative group on their own. This hardworking spirit allowed them to consolidate themselves as an example for more generations, where they’re recognized for their teamwork, co-responsibility in decision-making, values, conflict resolution and entrepreneurship”, mentioned the university representatives in a statement.

The trio is originally from the municipality of Akil, Yucatán, Mexico and are committed to supporting their community by passing on the knowledge acquired at the university.

Today they’re involved in the sheep production project, managed by Dr. Angel Pineiro; as they keep working in their community with Xkatik chili crops and own their productive parcel of cucumbers, pumpkin, and chili. Thanks to this, they receive enough income to reinvest in production, contribute to the family economy and pay for their personal expenses.

It is important to mention that this group of students has managed to achieve a sustainable business vision that’s committed to the environment, the community and, above all, to sharing their knowledge with other peers from the institute, by acting as a guide and trainers for students of the new generations.

Respect, punctuality, honesty, ethics, among others, are values that are rooted in this work group. The family, the community, the university, and friends are the key elements that the students mentioned as promoters and encouragers of these characteristics.

From Transforming Higher Education and the Technological Institute of Conkal we’re proud of these three students, who have managed to become an example of those creative leaders of the future capable of facing the nutritional needs of the modern world that we’re looking forward to see more often.


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