Regional E-Conference on Transforming Higher Education
Join us for the online Europe Conference on Transformation of Higher Education in Agriculture, which will take place on 12 December from 14.00 to 15.30 CET. The Conference is being organized in the context of the Collective Action (CA) facilitated by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR) on Transformative Learning of Agricultural Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) […]
Can higher education better meet the needs of rural agricultural communities?
March 01,2023 Our Project Director, Jim French, will be one of the exponents at the webinar called “Can higher education better meet the needs of rural agricultural communities?”, organized by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation. Subscribe here to the event and make sure follow our website for more information. When?: March 1st, […]
IFAMA 2022 World Conference
Last June 18 to 23, the 32nd edition of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Conference was held in Costa Rica. Hosted by EARTH University and INCAE Business School, the activity had three stages: the academic symposium, the student case competition, and the business forum. Dr. French during his keynote presentation June […]
GCHERA, Transforming Higher Education, AMEAS and the University of Guadalajara present the event “Transformational change in higher education to address the challenges of the 21st century”
On September 21-23, the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA), the Transforming Higher Education project, the Mexican Association of Higher Agricultural Education (AMEAS) and the University of Guadalajara, will hold the event “Transformational change in higher education to address the challenges of the 21st century”. The objective of this […]
The pilot universities are committed to the certainty of wanting to educate leaders, “agents of change”, with ethics and values, with a business entrepreneurship mentality and a responsibility to their communities. They recognize an obligation to acquire knowledge that must be shared and that we have to make widely available in our communities and beyond. […]
International Forum for the Exchange of Experiences among Students of the Project Transforming Higher Education. “Volvamos al campo”
8-9 December 2021 The International Forum for the Exchange of Experiences between students of the Transforming Higher Education project, “Volvamos al campo” has the objective of integrating the experiences of the pilot universities of the project for transformation of higher education. The forum will include the participation of prominent professors from EARTH University, ECOSUR, CATIE, […]
University-community partnerships and student learning: global experiences
March 01, 2023 The webinar “University-community partnerships and student learning: global experiences” is looking to share experiences about different forms of University-Community Engagement, such as service-learning courses, participative or collaborative research, extension, and entrepreneurship, and to present the main student learning developed during those experiences. Panelists: Dr. Gael Pressoir, Quisqueya University, Haiti. Dr. Raquel Oclarit-Salingay, […]
Community Engagement in times of COVID 19: Is it Possible?
December 2 2020 Transforming Higher Education project, led by the American University of Beirut, in partnership with the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agriculture and Life Sciences (GCHERA), EARTH University and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, invites you to the webinar titled “Community Engagement in Times of COVID-19: Is it Possible?” featuring: – Dr. […]
Values and Ethical Leadership
August 24 2020 Role of Universities in providing a value-based education and ethical leadership
Experiential Learning in times of COVID
July 15-31 2020 2020_AUB_COVID-19 as a nudge for an educational overhaul.pdf ALES Winter 2020 Survey Task Force GCHERA.pdf Invitation-Experiential Learning Webinar.pdf Nov 5, 2020 Webinar-JMJamago, CMU-Philippines Final Pres.pdf